Posts Tagged ‘Easter’

Saturday After Easter

I’ve found my benediction for the services tomorrow. Hebrews 13:20-21! What an excellent, Easter blessing that sends people to their ministry after the divine service of God.

“God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus”

-Christ is Risen! I am brought right back to Easter and the only reasons the final words of the divine service can be a blessing and not a curse.

“equip you with everything good that you may do His will”

-It is only that good that God gives which equips me to do His will. God’s kingdom come and God’s will be done, among us, in me.

Images from Easter, He is Risen!

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Lenten Season Theme – The Miracles of Lent

Miracles of Lent

Worship services are every Wednesday at 7:00 PM

March 9:  Ash Wednesday—The Miraculous Darkness (Matthew 27:45)

March 16:  The Miraculous Tearing of the Temple Curtain (Matthew 27:51a)

March 23:  The Miraculous Earthquake (Matthew 27:51b)

March 30:  The Miraculous Splitting Rocks (Matthew 27:51c)

April 6:  The Miraculous Raising of the Roman Soldiers (Matthew 27:54)

April 13:  Maundy Thursday—The Miraculous in Holy Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-29)

April 21:  The Miracle of Good Friday (1 Peter 3:18)

April 22:  The Miracle of Easter (Matthew 28:1-10)